Monday, May 4, 2009

Looks like we lost everyone we were measuring. There is one final measure if you would like. Please let Kristina know, she will set you an appointment. We are starting a TTT (Tuesday Treats for the Team) there are a few people that have already signed up. If you are interested please do so! We are also looking forward to our Month End meeting BBQ. It will be held outside of the Pinnacle Building. There is a sign up going around as well for sides. This is our summer kick off party!

We have a great department and we are excited for the new season. We are looking forward to and increase of accounts this year. Pinnacle Collections department is a great place to be this year!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Biggest Loser Week 6

Well it seems that we are dwindling in numbers. We have 2 people that did that challenge last week. It was to walk/run 5k. We didn't have a ton of weigh ins, but we did get our measurements. We will be tracking the weight loss, but the best determining factor will be those tests that Dave did on us back in the gym. If you are interested in doing it please let me know. It is 10 dollars and it is an awesome test! Good luck this week. I hope that we will have more people weigh in March 2nd.
**Challenge this week - write down your weight / fitness goals - If you have already done that plan and follow through with a new work out this week. If you need ideas there are fitness magazines in Kristina's office.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


OK GUYS!? WE LOST OUR WEIGH INS. We need people to have this contest. I only had 2 people weigh in. We are finally getting measured today and we only have a few people signed up. If you still want to be a part of this contest you need to get measured. TODAY the 18th of February. Here is the schedule for people who told me they were interested:

2:00 Charles Noble

2:10 Nohemi

2:20 Linda

2:30 Kathryn

2:40 Jane

2:50 Kayla

3:00 Kristina

3:10 Jeanne

3:20 Mona

3:30 Margie

We will start posting winners in April, so make sure you get measured today!

**Challenge this week is to walk/run a 5k (that's 3.1 miles)**

Monday, February 9, 2009


Hey guys!
We have lost over 60 pounds since January!! Nice work – just don’t give up. Last week our challenge was to go without: Fried food, Processed food OR sweets.

Shawn Porter won our drawing last week. We are doing another drawing this week for those that participated. If you did the challenge for last week let me know by 4pm so you can be in the drawing today.

DON’T forget to weigh in today. The scale is still over behind Mona’s desk.

**Challenge this week is to work out for at least 35 minutes for 4 times this week.
** Don’t eat any sweets this week!

You can decided what one you will do and then you can be in the drawing on the 17th. We are off on the 16th (whaoo!)

We will be getting our measurements done as soon as I hear back from Dave. I will post the times on the blog. Remember to write down your fitness goals and really think about the things you want to improve. You have to believe it and visualise it before it happens. So take the time this week - if you havent already - and write down your goals. There are fitness magazines over at Kristina's desk if you need some ideas to help you improve.

Good luck!

1st Place - Kristina

2nd Place - Jeanne

3rd Place - Kayla

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We didn't have very many people weigh in last week. What's up? You guys are scared to see if you gained weight? Well get on there - We just got the thumbs up from Dave (Pinnacle's new trainer) Dave Says: "I have a body composition test that is very accurate and very comprehensive, however there is a charge, I normally charge $25 per test ,but I can give you the body comp test at cost, which is $10 a test. I would also be fine with doing your measurements for free. You can forward this email to all of those that you think would be interested and let me know how many want the test so we can set up a time. Thanks, and if you have any other questions than please call or email me. Dave" We are trying to do it on a Wednesday. Make sure you let Kristina know if you are going to do it. This is how we will determine a real winner. So if you want to compete you need to do it!

Good Luck!

**Challenge this week is to go with out : Fried foods, Processed Foods, or processed sugars - - you choose. Our winner for last week's drawing was Shawn. Make sure you participate so you can win next week's prize - (it's going to more pinnacle gear)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


We are still losing and on our way to those beautiful beach bodies... Last week we lost a total of 8.5 pounds and a total over all weight of 49.5 pounds. We are excited to announce that Rochelle won the drawing for the challenge last week. She won a Pinnacle T-shirt. We will be doing a drawing for another prize this week. We also have a few more people joining us in our quest to lose weight and look better this summer! Welcome to the Biggest Loser and we hope everyone can have fun getting in shape and feeling better!

1st Place - Jeanne

2nd Place - Kayla

3rd Place - Kristina

Challenge winner - Rochelle

** Challenge for this week is to walk/run 5 miles.

Make sure you let Kristina know if you are participating in the challenges - there is a drawing every week for the people that participate and complete the challenge.

Good Luck! Remember: Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We just had the last weigh in. We have lost a total of 41 pounds as a department. We have some place changes for total weight lost.
1st - Kristina Roberts
2nd - Kayla Spencer
3rd - Jeanne Wing
Right now we are on the honor system when weighing in, but you can't hide it for long! Dave (our nutritionist/trainer) will be in on Friday to measure our fat / lean muscle mass. Please remember to weigh in and get measured. This is how we will determine the winner.
**Challenge this week is to work out at least 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes. If you complete the challenge you will be put in a drawing for a Pinnacle T-shirt. AND if you complete all of the challenges you will get Pinnacle gear in April.
Good luck everyone! We are looking great! Don't give up. Swimsuit weather is just around the corner. So we need to keep each other motivated. We will be the fittest department at Pinnacle Security for sure!